Unmatched quality assurance, total remote management and the most accurate results—in a single touch.
The GEM Premier 4000 now with PLUS Technology brings complete automation to the most labor- and skill-intensive tasks in critical care testing. At the touch of a button, the GEM Premier 4000 automates: quality management through Intelligent Quality Management (iQM), instrument maintenance with its multi-use disposable cartridge PAK, and information management with GEMweb® Plus Custom Connectivity.
- Onboard CO-Oximetry and a full complement of parameters meet every testing need
- Self-contained, multi-use cartridge PAKs include all testing components—just replace the cartridge every 30 days
- PLUS Technology adds faster touchscreen response, integrated wireless communication and remote service features
pH pCO2 pO2 Na+ K+ Ca++ Cl- Glu |
Lac Hct tHb O2Hb COHb MetHb HHb Total Bilirubin |
TCO2 |
P/F Ratio |
BE(B) |
pAO2 |
BE(ecf) |
CaO2 |
tHb(c) |
CvO2 |
Ca++ (7.4) |
p50 |
Anion gap |
O2cap | |
sO2 |
RI |
sO2(c) |
CcO2 |
HCO3-std |
a-vDO2 |
HCO3-(c) |
Qsp/Qt (est) |
A-aDO2 |
Qsp/Qt |
paO2/pAO2 |
Hct(c) | |
Fully automated maintenance, quality control and information management help to ensure patient safety and enhance patient care.