m2000 RealTime System

Molecular Automation - Sample Prep - m2000sp RealTime System

Explore our m2000 System videos

RNA Extraction
DNA Extraction
Contamination Control


More and more is being expected of laboratories.  Automation, with Abbott Molecular mSystems, provides laboratories with the ability to reduce instrument hands on time, maximize throughput and report patient results with confidence.

The m2000 RealTime System is designed to enable the clinical laboratory to run both IVD assays and Laboratory Defined Applications (LDA) on a single platform.  In addition to the ability to improve workflow with platform consolidation the m2000 RealTime System minimizes operator hands on time and provides automation from barcoded laboratory tube to patient result.  Partnered with the Abbott Molecular RealTime assays, the m2000 System delivers patient results on an easy to use and reliable platform.